
Experience the “top of Bavaria” when you visit this cozy town known for its famous film festival, the best sausages in Germany and sublime specialty beer.

Hof is the highest point in the Bavarian region, nestled in between the Franconian Forest and the Fichtelgebirge Mountains. The high altitude can make for some chilly evenings, so remember to pack a sweater when visiting. The town is best known for its sausages: “wiener” or “knacker” as the locals would say. Walking around town you'll notice a lot of signs for Wärschtlamänner. Stop at one of these sausage venders to try some of their delicious products, boiled in brass pots.

Another great tradition is the town’s holiday, Schlappentag, celebrated on the first Monday after Pentecost. Enjoy a specially brewed strong beer, which is served once a year to the riflemen and other artisans taking part in the town procession. Hof actually has a long and proud history of brewing beer and is the perfect place to sample classic German brews like Dunkel and Mephisto.

If you haven’t had enough of the town delicacies, then visit the Hofer Volksfest, held at the end of July every year. The festival kicks off with a big parade through town and also has an amusement park and a concert hall beer tent. Join in with the locals and enjoy the traditional Bavarian music.

Hof is also renowned for its international film festival, which attracts some of the continent’s most famous film producers; it also showcases the best talent in the European film industry. See the movies and meet the stars at Hof International Film Festival, held in the last week of October.

Make sure to take in the sights around town too. Hof boasts some beautiful Bavarian architecture, which was relatively untouched by the Second World War. The town park Theresienstein is the oldest public park in Germany, offering fine views of the surrounding area. A network of paths will take you to the Botanical Garden, which holds many rare and exotic plants. If visiting during summer, join the locals at the park's 18th-century Art Nouveau restaurant, considered the pride of the town.