
Discover architecture, history, nature and some of the best-loved beers in Germany in this lively city, a World Heritage Site.

Lying on the banks of the River Danube in Bavaria, Regensburg has developed into a major city over the course of two millennia. The vast majority of its attractions can be found in the Old Town, also known as the inner city center, where a timeline of stunning architecture can be seen. The Old Town was dubbed “one of the most beautiful cities in the world” by British star architect Lord Norman Foster because of its Romanesque and Gothic buildings.

2006 saw Regensburg listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The new Visitors Center located at Salzstadel in the Old Town is open all year round and with free admission it is definitely worth a visit. Alternatively, book a guided tour of the Old Town and learn as you go. The Old Town section of the city is a traffic-free zone so you will need to travel on foot to fully explore it. Driving is permitted in just a few areas but parking is limited.

While in the city, visit the Archeological Excavations at New Parish Square. The excavations date from 1995 to 1998 and remain as a network of underground tunnels. A complete history of the city can be seen as you work your way through the tunnels. Explore at your leisure or book a tour. St. Peter’s Cathedral and the Stone Bridge over the Danube are also excellent attractions. Both are commonly referred to as miracles of medieval engineering.

Regensburg isn’t all about architecture though. The city also appeals to nature lovers as one of the “Greenest” cities in Bavaria. There are five major parks within the boundaries of the city, all of which are suitable for picnics. After exploring the parks, hike the trails of the Bavarian Forest to the east.

Following a day of sightseeing relax and sample some of the local beers that Regensburg is known for. The city is home to several major breweries and boutique brewery pubs where you will always receive a warm welcome.