
Investigate Etruscan and Roman ruins and relax in thermal pools when visiting this hill town located on the border of Italy’s Lazio and Umbria regions.

Orte is a pretty town and a popular place to visit when touring Italy’s Viterbo province. The town sits high up on a cliff and straddles the River Tiber, with views over the sprawling green countryside of northern Lazio. Established by the Etruscan civilization in the 6th century B.C., Orte was the scene of several battles between the Etruscans and Romans. In later years the Byzantines and Lombards left their mark on the town.

The town’s most interesting district is its historic center, which rises above the southern banks of the River Tiber. Explore the zigzagging streets on foot and spot medieval palaces decorated with the remains of columns, portals and reliefs. Pass through ancient gateways, including Porta del Vascellaro and Porta di San Cesareo. Admire the architectural landscape and enjoy a moment of people-watching at squares such as Piazza della Libertà, home to the Church of Santa Maria di Assunta

Go to Piazza Colonna, dominated by the Church of San Silvestro. Marvel at the church’s Romanesque belfry and then step inside to see objects from the Orte Museum of Sacred Art. Learn about the town’s Etruscan, Roman and medieval history at the Museo Civico.

Don’t miss a guided tour of Orte Sotterranea. Wander around a maze of underground tunnels to see chambers, fountains and wells that hark back to the town’s early beginnings.

From May to September, join locals and vacationers at nearby Termi di Orte. This summer complex has swimming pools and shaded picnic areas suitable for all ages. Rejuvenate your body in the complex’s therapeutic pool and waterfall, both fed by sulfuric mineral water.

Reach Orte by catching a train from Rome to Orte Scalo and then take a public bus from there. Pleasant to visit year-round, Orte springs to life in August and September for the Ottava di Sant’Egidio festival. Watch costumed parades, medieval reenactments and exhibitions of ancient games.