By Rebecca Wurd, on February 24, 2015

Expedia: Travel through Asia’s Greatest Food Cities

In Asia, we have a serious love affair with food. From $3 street food to finely-crafted delicacies like sushi and dumplings that take years of sophisticated training, we delight in a grand variety of flavours all across Asia. Whether you have a big or small pocket, Asia is all about stomach euphoria.

Spicy curries, sweet and sour stir-fry, slippery noodles, crispy crackers, coconut-rich gravies, red sambal, herbal soups, colourful desserts, even some bizarre flavours, and, of course, endless mounds of soft white rice – Asian food is an absolute party for our tastebuds. And we live for it.

If variety is the spice of life, and full belly equals happy heart, Asia is obviously an absolute food haven. (Plus we rock the spice world too, so no contest really, right?)

Ain’t no river wide enough

to keep us from the very best makan. We’ll drive to JB for the best Sambal Stingray, queue in Hong Kong for award-winning Dim Sum, fly to Tokyo to savour the best sushi restaurants and top it off with the oddly delightful texture of mochi.

So for all our fellow foodies in Asia – and let’s face it, we’re a continent of foodies (and yet we have these slim, svelte figures … but, I digress) – Expedia has mapped out Asia’s Greatest Food Cities.


With frequent regional flights and budget airlines, there’s not much to stop us from zipping across the continent for little foodie trips or even on adventurous inter-city food trails.


Expedia: Asia’s Greatest Food Cities

Over the next couple of weeks, Expedia shows you the best places to eat across Asia.

We will travel to Taipei, Penang, Singapore, Osaka, Hong Kong and Macau, Seoul, Hanoi and Bangkok. Our local experts unveil everything you need to know to satisfy your hungry bellies and curious tastebuds in each of these cities.

Top Food to Try in Each City

“I am not a glutton. I am an explorer of food” – Erma Bombeck

Expedia will share the top local signature dishes that should top your must-try food list when you visit a city, and where to find them. The yummy stuff each city is famous for.

Look out on Facebook and Twitter as we point out the best restaurants to have Thailand’s best Pad Thai, Hong Kong’s best Beef Brisket Noodles, the best Penang Laksa, and Taiwan’s own version of Ice Kachang.


Uncle, Tapau please

One of the best things about Asia is the street food. We look at the most famous street food markets in Asia, where you can great variety of tasty dishes with authentic local flavours.

“Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all.” – Harriet Van Horne

True. I mean, we’re all for the handsome well-dressed chef in the fancy French restaurant but really, the best tasting food comes from the frying pan of the hawker stall uncle wearing a simple singlet with a towel around his neck, using liberal amounts of oil. He is the epitome of ‘abandon’.

It’s not so much about the 2-hour fancy dining experience, as sitting on a plastic stool and digging right into that delicious Kway Teow, fuss free. Street Food Markets are great for sampling a whole variety of local food in one sitting, surrounded by the lively din of locals having their everyday meals, without offending your wallet.

As in Singapore, it’s easy to spot the star within a food market overseas as well by the long queue snaking out in front of a stall. When in traveller mode, we say go for it. Queue up and get that yum in your tum.

Food Hunter

“The discovery of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery of a new star.” – Jean-Antheleme Brillat-Savarin

If you’re all about finding those little secret gems within a city, look out for our posts on the best kept culinary secrets in each city, as well as the hottest trends in the local dining scene right now. We’ll point out the popular restaurants and bars that are well worth checking out for interesting dining experiences that often extend beyond the plate.

Refined Tastebuds

In Asia, you shouldn’t pass up the street food and hawker centres because some of the best, authentic local dishes are often found there. But luxury dining is also wonderful.

“I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food.” ― W.C. Fields

If you’re keen on five-course meals, fusion food, and all things truffled and wine-infused, we’ll lead the way. Find out where to enjoy the best fine dining experiences in all of Asia’s Greatest Food Cities. Expedia looks at Michelin-starred restaurants, top-notch restaurants serving award-winning culinary creations, and other famous restaurants with celebrity chefs at the helm.


Wah So Shiok, I Also Want!

We don’t blame you if reading about the best Tom Yum Soup  and looking at our Instagram food pics makes you drool.

If you want to try them yourselves, then go lah! We got lobang 🙂  Expedia is offering special deals for our makan kaki. You get a special discount to travel to Bangkok, Seoul, Hong Kong or any of the cities on our list of Asia’s Greatest Food Cities. Huat ah!


Follow us on social media for tips and updates as we share more about Asia’s Greatest Food Cities on our blog. Or check out for deals on flights from Singapore to any of these cities. We’ll also tell you the best hotels to stay in so you’re close to all the best food and restaurants in the city.


Dear Travellers, this way to Foodie Heaven.